Wednesday 13 February 2008

ASBOs for shops using Moskito "security" device

Who deserves the ASBO, the “loitering” (the offence of being a stationary teenager) young person or the shop that uses a “security devices” plays a sound of selective discomfort aimed at children and teenagers where wearing *gasp* hoodies?

Exactly, if a teenager plays their music too loud in public place they get an ASBO if a shop plays a sound of deliberate selective discomfort its called a “security device.” The website writes:

The Mosquito ultrasonic teenage deterrent is the solution to the eternal problem of unwanted gatherings of youths and teenagers in shopping centres, around shops, your home and anywhere else they are causing problems. The presence of these teenagers discourages genuine shoppers and customers’ from coming into your shop, affecting your turnover and profits.”

So shops have the right to use their selective discomfort device against “unwanted gatherings” they don't have have to be beating up old ladies and stealing their handbags just “gathering.” Then they can play their selective discomfort device on gatherings of teenagers in public places places.

Anti social behavior has become the biggest threat to private property over the last decade and there has been no effective deterrent until now.”

I aggree with the first bit “Anti social behaviour has become the biggest threat.” Shops seem to think public streets are their property. What if as young people we said we don't like old gits in shops next to public places where we hang out? What if we said lets play music of their selective discomfort ie all the music we listen to as loud as we can. Say play Dragonforce, well that might be selective discomfort to everyone apart from me, but select a genre of your choice something they won't like why not battle metal, happy hardcore, infected mushrooms, Maralyn Manson, Disturbed, perhaps best Rage Against the Machine, Whatever, and play it outside a store with one of these devices activated until they stop using it, and if you are threatened with an ASBO demand they are given an ASBO for their anti social discriminatory behaviour.

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